Acting as a
Craft (AAAC) - Online
This is our ON-GOING workshop series that
meets one
day or evening weekly. However, registered participants may audit
other workshops in this category. This online version of the
workshop will be available until the Illinois "Stay-at-home" order
comes to an end.
"Acting As A Craft" (AAAC) is
our main, uniquely designed, professional on-going program for the
serious actor.
well-known accredited and acclaimed training program is second to
none, incorporating all the necessary skills that an actor must acquire
to achieve and ensure a successful career. This includes skills such as
Scene Study, Character Development, Script Analysis, Voice &
Diction, Monologues, Cold Reading, Intro to Shakespeare, Intro to
Meisner, Sense Memory, Improvisation, Emotional recall and more!
“On-going” means that the
program is designed so that you are able to
begin your training anytime, and not miss any part of the process. Each
participant is given individualized attention which is necessary to
their personal growth. This sought after program is taught at three
levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced professional. As your
acting skills develop,
you will be advanced to the next level of training.
$20.00 per class, or $75.00 for 4 classes
Beginner Level
7:00pm to 9:00pm

Intermediate Level
7:00pm to 9:00pm
| Audition Required
Call 773-645-0222
to schedule